Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Theme Week 2 A Decade of my Life

Early seventies. High school. Time spent participating in sports, bus rides, school work, and hanging with close girl friends in the neighborhood. Sharing clothes with friends, (my mother never knew I changed clothes before going to school) sneaking cigs from my friend’s parents, (they were suspicious a couple of times) and giggling when the boys threw us a hint of attention. We watched American Bandstand and listened to Gary Puckett and the Union Gap’s Young Girl on our 45 record over and over. Night time shows were The Brady Bunch and Happy Days. “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.” ……….. “Heeeeeyyyyy! “ ……..Nothing better. Saturday nights were spent with the family watching reruns of the Lawrence Welk show, watching Bobby Burgess dance and listening to the Lennon Sisters.

We took drivers ed together, and grew interested in boys. When we weren’t playing sports, we watched as the boys did. The boy’s bb team had strong players, and we showed team spirit at the auditorium in Bangor. Boys became interesting. Neighborhood boy became interested. Finally, noticed by a boy. There was less time with the girls, and more time with the boy.

Sonny and Cher were getting rave reviews in the music industry. Nixon resigns the presidency in ‘74. Paul Anka’s hit song “Having My Baby” becomes “our” new theme song. She was one of the last born at the hospital, while my grandfather was one of the last to die there, just days apart. Time with girl friends is less. Duffel bag put away, diaper bag used every day. Content to sit on the sideline that last year of school with a new bundle, sharing her with classmates. Wasn’t the norm in the early seventies, but we had love.

Graduation in ’75 meant welcome to the real world. Parents have been supportive for the last year, living in our respective homes, but factory work produces a paycheck. Local shirt factory kept me busy all day, home to husband and child after that. He joined the workforce and we were proud to become owners of our first car…a Chevy Vega. Two door. Tan. Big enough for the three of us.

Local Justice of the Peace did the honors for us on her front lawn in ‘76. Nothing big. Nothing fancy. Just right for us. New (old) mobile home, wasn’t great, but it was ours. Television is now the Muppet Show and Sesame Street. Music is nursery rhymes and children’s songs. Still involved in sports, but now it’s him on the softball diamond, us in the softball stands. Cheerleader now….not a player. High school girl friends move on with their lives while we get ready for child number two. Old Vega is too small, so we trade for a Ford Fairmont wagon, brown, four door. We are moving up.

End of the 70’s decade. Mork and Mindy is a hit comedy. Robin Williams is still the best. Disco is wild, and John Travolta stars in Saturday Night Fever, and then Grease. I knew all the words to every song. Leisure suits were smooth looking. Slow-pitch softball tourneys are weekend festivities for our family. Old friends become more distant…. family becomes a constant. One decade over…a new one just beginning.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 7 Journal

My life is rushing past me, faster than I wish. How did the momentum speed up so much? Why, as a teenager, was I so eager to be older, anxious to grow up? As I quickly read the paper this morning, before rushing out the door to go to work, I turned the page and there it was... a broken fortune cookie with the message....Do not rush through life. Pause and enjoy it. Well, those words really hold true to me - to many people, I would think. For me, it seems that after working five days, I would enjoy the weekend. But I keep so busy - until it's time to go back to work Monday morning. Go back to work to rest. Why is the world moving so fast...why is everyone in such a hurry? Why don't we all slow down.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 6 Journal

Today has to be better. It's my choice.
Let me explain. Flashback to Saturday late afternoon.

Having a bad day today. A pity party for me. Disagreement with my husband, disappointed my grand-daughter, and the pina colada mix on ice is going in smoothly, right to my head. “If momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy” would fit the day. Tension around here is so tight. Not sure why I have these days once in awhile. Stress? Not sure I can blame it on that today.

Then---while I wallow in MY self pity, I get an email from a friend and co-worker (and distant relative) who is happy with her husband ----he may live 3-4 years with his kidney cancer if things/treatments go well!! Well f… myself. I guess things could be a lot worse for me. Compared to my friend and her husband, I truly don’t know what it is to

“Have a bad day.”

Back to Sunday. I need to change my attitude. Learn from yesterday. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 5 Journal

More snow. Colder temperatures. Why is it that each year I hate winter more? I often wonder if I liked snow when I was a child. Did I hurry to go out and play in it? Did the cold temps not bother me? When did I cross that line that changed my opinion about cold and snow? Is it an age thing?
Possibly, the older.....the colder? There are lots of ways to enjoy snow - for those who want to. I choose not to. I'm too old.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 4 Journal

No work today. Should be saying yee-ha, but it could be a hard day for me. Why? My thoughts will be on food. Yes, food. For me, how to not eat all day. There's plenty around here. But how do I stay away from the freshly baked cookies sitting on the sideboard? They make it hard for me to cut back. My will power is weak.
My other thought of food will be regarding the kids I work with. I know many of them hunger for the two meals given them at school. They rely on them. Being home today, will there be food for them? Will there be enough for the weekend?
Doesn't seem right to think so much about food.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 3 Journal

Had snail-mail today. The quarterly edition of the family newsletter. Not sure I wanted to read it ...pretty sure there will be a lot of sad memories in it. My first thought upon seeing much longer will this be published - people are dying off - who will send in things. My second thought was....will I continue to send in a contribution, knowing that I only did it in the past because mum liked her kids to participate in it. She really liked reading the articles- what's going on in out-of-staters' lives,- but will no more. Do people really care that my husband and I are still at the same jobs? That we still live in this little town that will soon have no grocery store in it? That I'm sick of the cold, and counting down 'til vacation? Do I care that cousin so-and-so will have a new daughter-in-law? No.
Maybe by the time the next newsletter arrives, my thoughts will change. Probably not.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 2 Journal

Good night tonight. Out to spend time with the Bonko B......! Yes, that's what we call ourselves. 12 of us get together once a month to play a dice game, gossip, share stories, and eat too much. Husbands don't understand us, and they (probably) prefer to stay away when the wife plays hostess. Makes for a short sleeping night, but the company is good. Just a nice way to have fun with the girls.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day #1 Journal

Someone asked me today "how you doing?" I replied "fine." That's what I always say when asked this time and again at work by my co-workers. It's easier than saying how I really am. I think they can probably guess how I am, considering my life the last few months. Some know the feeling, some don't, and I don't wish it on anyone. It is a feeling that "will get better" in time. How much time? How much time is needed to stop hurting?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 1, Part 1

My goal for this class? Pass it. Maybe exceed on some writings.
Thoughts keep going through my head, wondering what my assignments and finished products will be, will my life provide me with the needed material to write something with the “Wow” factor. My previous experiences with writing stories started with high school, which I have no recollection of because it was so long ago, and then two writing classes when I went to college full time in early 2000 for two years. My strongest memory of college English?... When I was told by another student to “switch out of Goldfine’s class, it won’t be good. Get a different teacher.” I couldn’t imagine doing that, didn’t do that, and was quite proud of myself when my writings met your standards, no problem. Hope I repeat with this course.

Don’t agonize over it, you can, and you will do it. You do work that’s always on time and you do your best. Isn’t that all you can to do? I don’t know what you will write about. Maybe write about all of Jordyn’s medical problems, how you still blame her doctors for her problems, or, how well you did in college even though you were more than twice the age of the average student in your classes. Remember how well you did on that I-Search? You better hurry up and get this first piece done.

She worries too much. She dwells on things until they are done, or until she is completely nuts. She won’t sleep, she’ll probably have to go for walks just to reduce the stress, and she’ll constantly be checking for a new assignment, and then she’ll get it done. I know she will work to her fullest, but she needs to chill out a little in the next few weeks. She’s going to be hard to live with while she takes this class. Will she still have a family to talk to/with when the course is over? It will be a long few months, but she will succeed.